mercredi 7 avril 2010

Newsletter ALUMNI France II


You are formally invited to AIESEC’s 2010 Alumni Event.
This is the opportunity to share your AIESEC experience and get back in touch with people.

With the exceptional presence of JEAN CHOPLIN, AIESEC co-Founder in 1948, who succeeded in creating the basis for international collaboration in the aftermath of World War II.

“Having labor permits for foreign students was unbelievable. Having Albert Kaltenhaler as a German representing the foreign students and making the speech at the Chamber of Commerce in 1951 was something extraordinary, I mean the war had ended five years before!”

Now, the AIESEC network as of February 2010 includes 45,000 students in +109 countries at over 1400 universities across the globe, and realizes around 7000 exchanges yearly
Date:  8th May, 2010
Time: 17:30 - 20:30
Place: La salle des Lilas
23 Rue de la Croix de l’Epinette
City: Paris, France
Fee: 10€ 

We would like to meet you again!
Dear alumni, guests, fellow AIESECers,

Our first formal Alumni event in France after years! I am so happy to welcome you to this event. Our goal is to create the opportunity for our alumni to stay connected to AIESEC, and to have a pleasant evening of reminiscing, of good company, of conversation, and of networking.

We  hope to make this a yearly tradition, something that we can all look forward too, so here is to the first alumni event and may there be many more!

AIESEC Science Po
Organizer Committee
 AIESEC FRANCE has the pleasure to invites you to the next National Conference:
If you are living in Tolouse, Lyon, Grenoble or outside Paris. We also have an space for you to meet the people you knew in this amazing network. 
Where: Clermont-Ferront
Date: 15th of May ALUMNI DAY
We will have a special event for Alumni, a track and some sessions you can be involved. To have more info about STEP please write to:
We will have an special agenda and ALUMNI Gala for you!

Faci Opportunity in France

STEP 2010Clermont-Ferrand, France
13th-16th May (pre-meetings attendance required)

Application Form:

STEP is our annual transition and planning conference, which would be held in the centre of France, 2.5 hours outside of Paris. We are expecting 150 delegates including incoming and outgoing EB and EPs. The faci experience at a French national conference is unique because we attract an international faci team, diverse delegates and you can attend workshops run by high-profile professional trainers during the external day.

Who are we looking for?

LDS: prior leadership experience, a story teller
H4TF: recent alumni who had a leadership experience
TtT: someone who has attended a TtT before, creativity

For more information: Join the STEP 2010 facebook group or email

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